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Circular Divider

Municipal wastewater sludge dewatering

Circular Divider

An introduction to this case study

Many local authorities still regard traditional disposal methods as the go-to option for sewerage waste. This is contrary to the waste management hierarchy which put waste avoidance, reuse, recovery, and recycling above disposal.

Common forms of disposal, which include landfilling or agricultural applications, are becoming less and less viable as transport costs and landfilling fees increase or, due to tighter regulations, organic material is refused altogether at landfill sites. It is therefore important to unlock and maximise the potential of sewage sludge as a value-added product for use in various sectors.

Technologies used in this case study:

Muncipal Sludge

Look at how we deal with the followingchallenge:

1. Municipal sewage sludge dewatering

Municipal sewage sludge dewatering


Sewage sludge and effluent are products of the wastewater treatment process where liquids and solids are separated.

The solids are then treated physically and chemically to produce a semi-solid and nutrient-rich product known as biosolids.

The effluent is treated for reuse or to discharge clean water back into water bodies such as the sea, streams, and estuaries.

Mechanical dewatering forms an important part of the wastewater treatment process. The technologies used include filter presses, belt presses, vacuum filters, and centrifuges. These technologies are found to be problematic due to low efficiency and high maintenance.


Sinowatek presents the Fournier Rotary PressTM as the best available technology for the separation of municipal sewage sludge into solids and liquids. It can be witnessed in the more than 500 installations of the Fournier Rotary PressTM at wastewater treatment plants around the world.

The high cake dryness, minimal polymer consumption, high throughput and cake production ensure value-added biosolids for use in a circular economy. The high capture rate ensures low Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and low Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the filtrate, which in turn reduces treatment processes for the water before discharging it into water bodies.

Benefits for the client:

  • Sinowatek offers full-scale pilot testing of the Fournier Rotary PressTM. The 6 m containerized unit is quickly connected to the client’s source of sludge to give real-time results.
  • By having access to real on-site results the risk of non-performing capital purchase is eliminated.
  • Accurate production figures per channel are obtained from the test. This allows for accurate sizing of equipment with the correct number of channels.
  • For possible future expansion, a press can be ordered with extended shafts to accommodate up to 8 channels.
  • The Fournier Rotary PressTM is tolerant of feed sludge concentration changes.
  • Modularity, interchangeable channels, and the ability to expand capacity by adding single channels are attractive from a capital investment standpoint.
  • Quiet operation, effective containment of odour and suitability for automation with an unattended operation are big advantages.
  • High performance, easy operation, reduced polymer usage, low power consumption and low maintenance.
  • An automated 5 min self-cleaning procedure ensures a 24-hour continuous operating cycle.

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